
Treatment Options for Bunions

Tired of living with painful bunions? Dr. Elizabeth Hofmeister and Dr. Rebecca Hodulik at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic in Manteno, IL, are dedicated to providing you with the most effective relief options. 

Understanding Bunions

 Before diving into potential treatment options, it’s important to understand what exactly a bunion is and how it forms. A bunion is a bony bump that develops on the outside of the toe joint over time due to a misalignment of the toe joint that causes the top of the toe to point inward. 

This misalignment is typically caused by having flat feet, wearing shoes with a narrow toe box, or wearing high heels. It can also occur due to an injury or a condition like arthritis. 

Conservative Bunion Treatment

 As bunions are so often formed due to lifestyle factors, such as footwear, they can often be treated and relieved through lifestyle adjustments. These include methods like changing your footwear and using custom orthotics for proper support. Conservative treatment also includes improving the toe joint through stretching and strengthening exercises. 

Your podiatrist might also recommend padding, taping, and orthotic devices. In most cases, such steps can provide relief. 

Surgical Bunion Treatment

 If conservative approaches do not achieve the desired results, surgery is typically recommended. There are a few types of bunion surgery available, depending on the patient’s specific needs. 

In the mildest cases, surgery involves shaving down the bony bump and realigning the toe joint. Moderate cases typically involve cutting the bone, correcting alignment, and using pins or screws to keep the joint in place. More severe cases often involve removing part of the bone, realigning the joint, and repairing the ligaments and tendons. 

Recovering from bunion surgery can take several weeks to several months, depending on the type you have. Keep in mind that surgery is only recommended after conservative approaches have been exhausted.

Find freedom from your bunions with the help of Dr. Hofmeister, Dr. Hodulik, and the team at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic in Manteno, IL. Call (815) 468-7117 to schedule your appointment today. 

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