
Comparing Microwave Energy To Traditional Plantar Wart Removal Methods

Plantar warts may not be as unsightly as regular warts but because of where they are they can cause pain, and complications, and are traditionally more difficult to treat. But thanks to Swift technology offered by your Manteno, IL, podiatrist, which employs microwave energy, plantar wart removal can allow you to find relief faster. You can learn more about the treatment by reaching out to Dr. Elizabeth Hofmeister and Dr. Rebecca Hodulik of Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic.


Traditional warts are growths that tend to form on hands and feet and are usually harmless. They form as a result of coming into contact with the human papillomavirus (HPV), making them very easy to transmit from one person to another, or from one part of your body to another. So it's especially important to practice care when handling them, more so with plantar warts.

Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are more common in children, though they can appear in people of all ages.

If you have a regular wart, unless you find it unsightly or it's become bothersome, your doctor may even suggest that you leave it alone to heal on its own, just taking precautions not to spread it to others.

But plantar warts, because they appear on the soles of your feet typically, they're almost impossible to ignore and can quickly become painful and cause other issues as you're stepping on them every day.

Plantar warts grow inward into the skin so they can be difficult to spot right away. So if you begin to notice early signs of the condition, it's a good idea to speak with your doctor.

Plantar Wart Removal in Manteno, IL

The Swift treatment uses low-dose microwave energy to target the HPV virus itself and also helps to trigger a reaction from your immune system.

Most patients can see results in just a few visits, these are spaced out to match your body's immune cycle

If you are interested in plantar wart removal and live in or near the area of Manteno, IL, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Hofmeister and Dr. Hodulik of Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic by dialing (815) 468-7117.

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