
Plantar Fasciitis: Understanding and Managing Heel Pain

When you’re dealing with pain in your feet, you might find that it’s difficult for you to enjoy the activities you typically love. Heel pain can be especially bad, and you might find that your pain is worse in the morning and that your feet feel stiff and painful when you first try to walk. The pain can subside throughout the day but reoccur after sitting for a while. This type of heel pain is typically known as plantar fasciitis, and you should have an understanding of what it is and how it can be managed and treated. Dr. Elizabeth Hofmeister, and Dr. Rebecca Hodulik at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic in Manteno, IL, can explain plantar fasciitis and what you need to know about this condition.

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis 

When it comes to dealing with heel pain, you want to make sure that you have an understanding of the issues you’re dealing with and how they can be treated. Your podiatrist in Manteno, IL, can explain what plantar fasciitis is and how you can manage your symptoms. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia is inflamed and causes pain and irritation. This often occurs when there is an issue with your feet and your feet roll as you walk.  

Typically, our podiatrist will recommend conservative methods for foot care when you’re first starting to treat your plantar fasciitis. This could include exercises and stretches that you can perform at home to help strengthen and stretch your feet. Your podiatrist will also want to make sure that you’re wearing shoes that fit correctly and offer the correct amount of support that your feet need. You may want to consider using orthotics to add extra support if needed.

You can make other lifestyle changes to help ease your heel pain as well. This includes maintaining a healthy weight being sure that you take care of your feet and visiting your podiatrist regularly. If the pain is intense, you can take an anti-inflammatory medication to help ease the inflammation. In severe cases, you may need surgery to ease your pain and correct the issue within your plantar fascia.

Contact Our Podiatrist Today

Make sure that you’re taking care of your feet, and that you understand any issues you might be struggling with. Contact Dr. Elizabeth Hofmeister, and Dr. Rebecca Hodulik at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic in Manteno, IL, to learn more about plantar fasciitis and how it could affect you. Call for more information today and to schedule your appointment and learn more about plantar fasciitis at (815) 468-7117.

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